Who is Sammy?

To be honest, I think that is a bit of a loaded question. We are all lots of things, right? Different pieces and events in our lives shape us into who we are.

For Me, I’ve always been a little ‘Off The Grid’…see what I did there? I’ve always been a creative type. A dreamer. Someone that has a vision, and just goes for it. Often times I say “YES!” before I even know how I’m going to make it happen. I suppose the thought of not taking the risk is far more terrifying to me than failure. What is failure anyway? In my opinion, we do not ever fail, but rather are always learning and growing. One of the biggest challenges I’ve ever faced was going to school to become a Registered Nurse, and then working in the field. Being a nurse has taught me SO many valuable life skills, and I will forever be thankful for that journey that God placed in my path.

In November of 2014, I began to up-cycle flannels and thus Sammy Off The Grid was born. Sammy Off The Grid has grown and developed over the past 8 years. SOTG has evolved over the years to fall in line with me evolving as well. While creating and designing custom clothing, I also grew my knowledge in the skincare and makeup industry. In early 2018 I partnered alongside Beautycounter, and began my clean beauty lifestyle. Being partnered alongside Beautycounter helped me to learn more about the beauty industry and the significant holes in regulation regarding ingredients. I’ve been able to advocate alongside Beautycounter, and even held meetings alongside other clean beauty advocates, with Representatives in Washington D.C. to help change an entire industry!

Sammy Off The Grid is ME. A blend of the things I love, bring me joy, show my creative passions, and BOLD. Bold is my comfort zone, and that won’t be changing anytime soon.

I am here to share my passions. I don’t have to have it all figured out, and I don’t have to know what the future holds. What I do know, is that I love style and I love all things clean beauty. So, how about we start there? And we can figure the rest out together.

Cheers to the unknown. Cheers to sharing our passions and dreams. And cheers to unique style that makes you feel extra special!

Cheers to Bold,
